The official medical term for cerebellar atrophy in Taiwan is “Spinocerebellar Degeneration,” with the ICD diagnosis code G11.1. It is classified as a rare disease, primarily affecting the cerebellum and spinal cord as part of the neurodegenerative diseases. Cerebellar atrophy can be categorized into genetic and sporadic types. For diagnosed carriers of the genetic form, doctors assist in applying for catastrophic illness registration, which is noted on the health insurance card. Currently, individuals with the sporadic type cannot be directly registered as having a catastrophic illness; applications must be made by the doctor based on the patient’s symptoms to the National Health Administration. Consequently, the TSAA has established a patient association to advocate for the rights of those with rare diseases and to provide a supportive and encouraging environment among patients.
DE-YI International has long provided charitable donations to the Taiwan Spinocerebellar Ataxia Association (TSAA), demonstrating a commitment to caring for the disadvantaged. In support of TSAA, DE-YI International actively participates in the association’s events and responds enthusiastically to public welfare initiatives. Coinciding with the association’s 20th anniversary, Chunghwa Post gifted TSAA with 1,000 customized commemorative stamps featuring the artwork “Ballet Girl” by a young girl with spinocerebellar ataxia. TSAA shared this touching gesture with their charitable partner, DE-YI International, inviting them to join in honoring the courage of these fighters for life.